This season’s shipment is focused on fresh, summer-ready wines that highlight the more obscure variants of well-renowned terroir; Bordeaux and Northern California. What both of these wines have in common is that they were bread by the consumer’s desire for rapid access. While their better-known regional counterparts typically take years to find perfection in the glass, both of these wines can be off the vine and on your tongue within a matter of months, allowing the drinker to tap into the terroir, albeit in a different style, with more freshness and raw character of the fruit.
So, with all of this effort from the Bordelaise and the Californians seeking to make different and refreshing styles more accessible than their regular bread-and-butter, you might assume that a simple request at the LCBO would point you to rows upon rows of Bordeaux Roses and Californian Orange wines. But, alas, you would be wrong. The unfortunate part comes with the general model of the LCBO and their quest to carry mainstream wines for the broader population, that when asked what type of wine they like, the answer may very-well be “red” or “white”. Because of this, when you say California, the LCBO will say Cabernet Sauvignon. And when you say Bordeaux, they will say Red Blend. And that’s just the way it goes… for now. Not for a lack of trying we were only able to find one other offering of each style that you can find in store currently. Quantities are scarce, so if you see it, grab it, try it, and let us know what you think!